
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

JBoss Messaging Server Peer

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
PersistenceManager javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the persistence manager
PostOffice javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the post office
JMSUserManager javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the jms user manager
Instance java.lang.Object R ServerPeer[0] The instance to be accessed by select plugins via a typed hard reference
JMSVersion java.lang.String R 1.1 The version of the JMS specification implemented by this provider
JMSMajorVersion int R 1 The major version of the JMS specification implemented by this provider
JMSMinorVersion int R 1 The minor version of the JMS specification implemented by this provider
JMSProviderName java.lang.String R JBoss Messaging The JMS provider name
ProviderVersion java.lang.String R 1.4.2.GA The fully qualified provider version string
ProviderMajorVersion int R 1 The JMS provider major version number
ProviderMinorVersion int R 4 The JMS provider minor version number
Destinations java.util.Set R [JBossQueue[FileCopy], JBossQueue[AttributesModificationScu], JBossQueue[HL7SendV2], JBossQueue[PPSScu], JBossQueue[MCMScu], JBossQueue[RejectionNoteStored], JBossQueue[ExpiryQueue], JBossQueue[DLQ], JBossQueue[UpgradeToEnhancedMF], JBossQueue[Prefetch], JBossQueue[IANScu], JBossQueue[RejectionNoteSCU], JBossQueue[DeleteStudy], JBossQueue[Sendmail], JBossQueue[MoveScu_web], JBossQueue[IANSCU_web], JBossQueue[StgCmtScuScp], JBossQueue[FileMove], JBossQueue[PPSExceptionMgt], JBossQueue[MoveScu], JBossQueue[UPSScp], JBossQueue[MPPSScu], JBossQueue[StudyMgtScu], JBossQueue[AttributesModification_web], JBossQueue[HL7Send], JBossQueue[WadoPrefetch], JBossQueue[ExportManager]] Returns a Set of javax.jms.Destinations (Queues and Topics) containing the current active destinations
MessageCounters java.util.List R [Queue,Queue.PPSScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.StgCmtScuScp,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.ExportManager,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.WadoPrefetch,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.ExpiryQueue,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.IANSCU_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.HL7SendV2,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.PPSExceptionMgt,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.HL7Send,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MoveScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.FileMove,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.RejectionNoteSCU,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.AttributesModification_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.UPSScp,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.AttributesModificationScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MCMScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.Sendmail,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.StudyMgtScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.FileCopy,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MoveScu_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.Prefetch,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MPPSScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.RejectionNoteStored,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.DeleteStudy,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.UpgradeToEnhancedMF,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.DLQ,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.IANScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-] The message counters
MessageStatistics java.util.List R [Queue,Queue.PPSScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.StgCmtScuScp,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.ExportManager,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.WadoPrefetch,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.ExpiryQueue,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.IANSCU_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.HL7SendV2,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.PPSExceptionMgt,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.HL7Send,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MoveScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.FileMove,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.RejectionNoteSCU,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.AttributesModification_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.UPSScp,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.AttributesModificationScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MCMScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.Sendmail,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.StudyMgtScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.FileCopy,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MoveScu_web,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.Prefetch,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.MPPSScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.RejectionNoteStored,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.DeleteStudy,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.UpgradeToEnhancedMF,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.DLQ,-,-,0,0,0,0,-, Queue,Queue.IANScu,-,-,0,0,0,0,-] The message statistics
DefaultDLQ javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the default DLQ - used when an individual queue does not specify a DLQ
DefaultExpiryQueue javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the default expiry queue - used when an individual queue does not specify an expiry queue
ServerPeerID int RW The ID of the ServerPeer. Must be unique per JBoss instance
DefaultQueueJNDIContext java.lang.String RW The default JNDI context queues are bound under.
DefaultTopicJNDIContext java.lang.String RW The default JNDI context topics are bound under.
SecurityDomain java.lang.String RW The Security Domain to be used by the Server Peer
DefaultSecurityConfig org.w3c.dom.Element RW The Security config to use when the destination does not supply any
DefaultMaxDeliveryAttempts int RW The default maximum delivery attempts for destinations, unless overridden on the destination
FailoverStartTimeout long RW The maximum amount of time to wait for failover to begin
FailoverCompleteTimeout long RW The maximum amount of time to wait for failover to complete
DefaultRedeliveryDelay long RW How long to wait before redelivery, can be overridden on the destination
MessageCounterSamplePeriod long RW The period between which the message counter manager enquires for statistics from queues
ClusterPullConnectionFactoryName java.lang.String RW The name of the connection factory used to create connections to pull messages from one node to another
DefaultPreserveOrdering boolean RW True False When pulling messages do we need to preserve the ordering of messages consumed from a particular producer, for a particular consumer?
RecoverDeliveriesTimeout long RW When a failover occurs the max. amount of time the server will keep messages in its recovery area. waiting for clients to reconnect
DefaultMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit int RW The default max number of messages per day in message counter history
SupportsFailover boolean RW True False Should Server Side Failover be executed
StrictTck boolean RW True False Should strict TCK behaviour be always followed?
EnableMessageCounters boolean RW True False Enable message counters
SuckerPassword java.lang.String W The password used for message suckers

List of MBean operations:

void create()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void start()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void stop()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void destroy()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

java.lang.String deployQueue()

Deploys a queue with the specified name/JNDI name. The corresponding destination service will be instantiated, created and started.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)
jndiName java.lang.String (no description)

java.lang.String deployQueue()

Deploys a queue with the specified name/JNDI name and paging parameters. The corresponding destination service will be instantiated, created and started.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)
jndiName java.lang.String (no description)
fullSize int (no description)
pageSize int (no description)
downCacheSize int (no description)

boolean undeployQueue()

Undeploys the queue, but does not delete its data from storage.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)

boolean destroyQueue()

Undeploys the queue, and deletes its data from storage

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)

java.lang.String deployTopic()

Deploys a topic with the specified name/JNDI name. The corresponding destination service will be instantiated, created and started.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)
jndiName java.lang.String (no description)
fullSize int (no description)
pageSize int (no description)
downCacheSize int (no description)

java.lang.String deployTopic()

Deploys a topic with the specified name/JNDI name and paging parameters. The corresponding destination service will be instantiated, created and started.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)
jndiName java.lang.String (no description)

boolean undeployTopic()

Undeploys the topic, but does not delete all its data from storage

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)

boolean destroyTopic()

Undeploys the topic and deletes all its data

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String (no description)

java.lang.String listMessageCountersAsHTML()

List all message counters in HTML

void resetAllMessageCounters()

Reset all message counters

void resetAllMessageCounterHistories()

Reset all message counter histories

void enableMessageCounters()

Enable message counters

void disableMessageCounters()

Disable message counters

java.util.List retrievePreparedTransactions()

Retrieve list of all prepared transaction ids

java.lang.String showPreparedTransactionsAsHTML()

Show of all prepared transaction ids in HTML

java.lang.String showActiveClientsAsHTML()

Show of all information about active clients