
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

A JDBC persistence manager

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
Instance org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.MessagingComponent R JDBCPersistenceManager[85371c1] The instance to plug into the server peer
DataSource java.lang.String RW The JNDI name of the DataSource used by this persistence manager
TransactionManager javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean The ObjectName of the TransactionManager used by this persistence manager
CreateTablesOnStartup boolean RW True False Should database tables be created on startup?
UsingBatchUpdates boolean RW True False Should JDBC batch updates be used?
UsingBinaryStream boolean RW True False Should binary stream be used for accessing message headers / body ?
UsingTrailingByte boolean RW True False Should a trailing byte be added to VARBINARY columns - this would be true for databases such as Sybase which would otherwise truncate trailing zeros
SqlProperties java.lang.String RW DML and DDL overrides
MaxParams int RW The max number of params to be used in a generated PreparedStatement
UseNDBFailoverStrategy boolean RW True False This changes the retry strategy for the persistence manager. If failure occurs on commit, we ignore the second failure and assume that the insert happened correctly
SupportsBlobOnSelect boolean RW True False Some databases don't support binding blobs on select clauses
SupportsSetNullOnBlobs boolean RW True False Some databases don't support binding null blobs using setNull (mainly DB2)
DetectDuplicates boolean RW True False Detect duplicate message sends on failover? There is some performance hit for doing this
IDCacheSize int RW The ID cache size to use when detecting duplicate message sends

List of MBean operations:

void create()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void start()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void stop()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation

void destroy()

JBoss Service lifecycle operation