
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Web3 Configuration Service

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
WebConfigPath java.lang.String RW Configuration Path for web specific config files.
A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
dicomSecurityServletUrl java.lang.String RW URL for the dicom security servlet for web container based sso authentication.
WadoBaseURL java.lang.String RW WADO Base URL if WADO Service is not in the same WEB container.
NONE: WADO service is in same container.
RIDBaseURL java.lang.String RW Retrieve Information for Display Base URL if RID Service is not in the same WEB container.
NONE: RID service is in same container.
InstalledWebViewer java.lang.String R Name(s) of installed WebViewer
WebviewerNames java.lang.String RW Name(s) of WebViewer that is used to view Dicom Objects separated by newline.
If more than one name is configured, the WebViewer link will open a selection of these WebViewers.
NONE: Do not show WebViewer link in folder.
ANY: All installed WebViewers.
WebviewerBaseUrls java.lang.String RW Base URLs to open WebViewer separated by newline.
Format: <webviewer name>:<baseURL>
NONE: All webviewer use their default URL
ImageSOPClasses java.lang.String RW List of image SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
VideoSOPClasses java.lang.String RW List of Video SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
WaveformSOPClasses java.lang.String RW List of Waveform SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
SRSOPClasses java.lang.String RW List of Structured Report Document SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
PSSOPClasses java.lang.String RW List of Presentation State SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
EncapsulatedCUIDS java.lang.String RW List of Encapsulated Document SOP Classes. Use either the SOP Class UID value, or the name specified in DICOM Part 6, Annex A Registry of DICOM unique identifiers, concatenating individual words without spaces.
RIDMimeTypes java.lang.String RW List of mime types for RID retrieve grouped by SOP Class UID groups.
Format: <grp>:<mimeType>[|<mimeType>[|...]]
Following group names can be used:
SR : Structured Report SOP Class UIDs
ECG: Waveform SOP Class UIDs
DOC: Encapsulated Document Storage SOP Class UIDs
WindowSizeConfig java.lang.String RW Window size configuration of modal windows.
Format: <name>:<width>x<height>
Following window names can be used:
default: default size
export: Export window in Folder
dcmEdit: Dicom Edit window in Folder
dcmFileDisplay: Dicom object from file window in Folder
addStudy: Add new Study window in Folder
addSeries: Add new Series window in Folder
imgSelect: Image selection window
wado: WADO image window
aeEdit: Edit window in AE Managment
mpps2mwl: MPPS to MWL link window
linkToOld: MPPS to MWL 'Too old' confirmation window
move: Move Entities Window
studyPerm: Study Permission window in Folder
addUser: Add user in User Management
changePassword: Change password in User Management
manageRoles: Manage roles in User Management
editRole: New role and edit role in User Management
webPermissions: Web permissions in User Management
aetGroupAssignment: AET Group assignment in User Management
typeAssignment: Type assignment in User Management
editGroup: Edit group in User Management
editAETGroup: Edit AET group in User Management
aetAssignment: Assign AETs to AET group in User Management
createGroup: Create report group window in Dashboard
reportDiagram: size of the report diagram window
reportDiagramImage: size of the diagram image
reportTable: size of the report table window
reportDiagramandtable: size of the window displaying both diagram image and report table
Modalities java.lang.String RW List of modalities.
Format: <Modality>[|<Modality>[|..]]
NONE is used for an empty list. In this case a getModalityList will trigger updateModalities.
AutoUpdateModalities boolean RW True False Enable auto update of Modality list at midnight (23:59:59).
aetTypes java.lang.String RW List of AET Types.
Format: <AET Type>[|<AET Type>[|..]]
EMPTY can be used to allow AE's without AET Type.
aeManagementDefault java.lang.String RW Default to be shown in the AE Management list.
ANY: Display all AETs after opening AE Management
NONE: Do not display any AET after opening AE Management On other entries, the given is selected as a type in the "Filter by" dropdown list.
StationNames java.lang.String RW List of Station AETs.
Format: <AET>[|<AET>[|..]]
NONE is used for an empty list. In this case a getStationNameList will trigger updateStationNames.
AutoUpdateStationNames boolean RW True False Enable auto update of Station Name list at midnight(23:59:59).
AutoExpandLevelChoices java.lang.String RW List of Choices for 'Expand to' drop down box.
Possible values: auto, Patient, Study, Series, Instance
AutoWildcard int RW AutoWildcard specify if text of search fields should be automatically extended by '*'.
Possible values:
1...Only patient name
2...All 'wildcard' search fields

Note: Not used for fuzzy (phonetic) search.
Pagesizes java.lang.String RW List of Pagesizes.
This list is used in folder and worklist console to provide a choice how many results are shown in one page.
DefaultFolderPagesize int RW Default pagesize in folder.
DefaultMWLPagesize int RW Default pagesize in worklist console.
QueryAfterPagesizeChange boolean RW True False If enabled a query will be initiated when the page size has changed.
useFamilyAndGivenNameQueryFields boolean RW True False Enable query of Patient Name with separate family and given name fields.
If disabled the query for patient name components is '<familyname>^<givenname<^<middlename<^<prefix<^<suffix<^<degree<.
forcePatientExpandableForPatientQuery boolean RW True False Force that patients are expandable after patient query.
true...Avoid additional queries (count studies for patient)
false..Patients are only expandable if patient has at least one viewable study.
Mpps2mwlPresetPatientname java.lang.String RW Preset Value of Patient name searchfiled in MPPS to MWL Link dialog.
The value can be:
delete...Delete the input field.
*........Use full patient name of MPPS.
<num>....Number of leading chars of MPPS patient name. (e.g. 3: 'Caliskan' --> 'Cal')
Mpps2mwlPresetModality java.lang.String RW Preset Value of Modality searchfiled in MPPS to MWL Link dialog.
The value can be:
delete...Delete the input field.
mpps.....Modality of MPPS.
Mpps2mwlPresetStartDate java.lang.String RW Preset Value of Start Date searchfiled in MPPS to MWL Link dialog.
The value can be:
delete..........................Delete the input field.
mpps[(startOffset,endOffset)]...Use day of startdate of MPPS.
today[(startOffset,endOffset]...Use current day.
The optional (startOffset,endOffset) can be used to extend/move the search date range.
e.g. mpps(-1,2): Date range is: one day before PPS Start date and 2 days after.
'today(0,1)': Date range is: current day and next day.
Note: dont use + for positive numbers!
Mpps2mwlAutoQuery boolean RW True False Enable auto query if MPPS Link dialog is opened.
TCRestrictedSourceAETs java.lang.String RW List of source AETs for matching teaching-files.
Format: <AET>[|<AET>[|..]]
NONE is used for an empty list.
TCKeywordCataloguesPath java.lang.String RW Optional configurable path to custom keyword catalogue definition files.
A non-absolute path is resolved relative to the archive-install-directory, i.e '/server/default/'.
TCKeywordCatalogues java.lang.String RW List of teaching-file attributes with associated keyword catalogues.

Each listed teaching-file attribute uses it's own associated keyword catalogue in order to provide smart lookup for a specific keyword value when searching for teaching-files. Note: The only keyword catalogue that currently comes out-of-the-box with web3 is ACR!

Each entry needs to conform to the following syntax (catalogueVersion is optional):

Attribute ':' catalogueDesignatorId ',' catalogueId ',' catalogueVersion

Supported attributes are:
  • Keyword
  • Anatomy
  • Pathology
  • Diagnosis
  • DifferentialDiagnosis
  • Finding

For example: "Keyword:ACR,ACR"
moveScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
aeServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
echoServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
contentEditServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
storeBridgeServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
mppsEmulatorServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
mwlScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
tarRetrieveServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
UserMgtUserRole java.lang.String RW User Rolename for User Management.
UserMgtAdminRole java.lang.String RW Admin Rolename for User Management.
manageUsers boolean RW True False Manage users in the web application.
manageStudyPermissions boolean RW True False Let the web users manage study permissions using the web interface.
useStudyPermissions boolean RW True False Apply the study permissions to the web application features.
tooOldLimit java.lang.String RW The time limit it is possible to edit dicom objects in the folder.
Can be specified in weeks (##w) or days (##d).
If set to NEVER the feature will not be used.
ignoreEditTimeLimitRolename java.lang.String RW Hive Rolename which may ignore the configured edit time limit (tooOldLimit) for dicom objects.
retentionTime java.lang.String RW Retention time for automized deletion of studies in trash.
Can be specified in weeks (##w) or days (##d).
If set to NEVER the feature will not be used.
emptyTrashInterval java.lang.String RW Time interval for checking if object in the trash are older than the retention time and executing the automized deletion eventually.
Can be specified in weeks (##w) or days (##d).
If set to NEVER the feature will not be used.
ZipEntryTemplate java.lang.String RW Path template for zip entries used by file export.
Format: filePath with template parameters: patID, patName, studyIuid, seriesIuid, sopIuid.
Template parameter must be enclosed with {}. A leading '#' means the hashcode of the value in hex.
e.g.: {patID}/{#studyIuid}/{#sopIuid} Note: sopIuid is required!
BufferSize int RW Buffer size used by file export.

List of MBean operations:

int checkCUID()

Check the type of given SOP Class UID.
1...Structured Report
3...Encapsulated Document
5...Presentation State
-1..Not classified

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
sopClassUID java.lang.String SOP Class UID

java.util.List getRIDMimeTypesForCuid()

Return a list of MIME types that are supported by RID service and viewer according configured RID MIME types.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
sopClassUID java.lang.String SOP Class UID

[I getWindowSize()

Get window size for given window name. Return an int[] with 0..width and 1..height

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
name java.lang.String Name of window

java.util.List getModalityList()

Get List of modalities

java.util.List getAETTypesList()

Get List of AET Types

java.util.List getStationNameList()

Get List of Station Names

java.util.List getAutoExpandLevelChoiceList()

Get List of Levels for 'Expand to' selection choices.

java.util.List getPagesizeList()

Get List of Page sizes

java.util.Map getTCKeywordCataloguesMap()

Get a map of teaching-file field id's to keyword catalogue id's

java.util.List getTCRestrictedSourceAETList()

Get list of matching teaching-file source AETs

java.util.List getWebviewerNameList()

Get List of WebViewer names
Note: null means ANY and an empty list means NONE

java.util.List getInstalledWebViewerNameList()

Get List of installed WebViewer names
Note: null indicates an error.

java.util.Map getWebviewerBaseUrlMap()

Get Map of WebViewer Base URLs.
The key is the webviewer name and the value the Base URL.

void updateModalities()

Update List of modalities by querying database

void updateStationNames()

Update List of Station Names by querying database

void updateDicomRoles()

Synchronize the role table with the assigned dicom roles of the dicom context