
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

AE Configuration Service. Used to list/add/remove AE configuration entities - alternatively to more convenient AE Management Page of the Administration Web Application. Used/Required by various DICOM services (Query/Retrieve SCP, Storage Commitment SCU/SCP, DICOM Hanging Protocol SCP) to 'guess' the port number of DICOM peer Application Entities, if no AE configuration entry for a given AE Title matches.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
AEConfiguration java.lang.String R dicom://DCM4CHEE@localhost:11112 cipher:null dicom://CDRECORD@localhost:10104 cipher:null dicom://MNGDCMTOJPG@ cipher:null dicom://WEASIS_QR@ cipher:null dicom://WEASIS_MAT@ cipher:null dicom://axys@ cipher:null dicom://A3002002@ cipher:null dicom://TESTE@ cipher:null dicom://WEBPACS@ cipher:null dicom://WEASIS QR@DESKTOP-Q0TOB1U:11112 cipher:null Configured application entities.
Use the addAE and removeAE commands below to add and remove AE configurations.
PortNumbers java.lang.String RW Port numbers for AE auto configuration.
The method getAE(title, hostname) use this list to find a DICOM service hosted by hostname.
'NONE' will disable auto AE configuration!
DontSaveIP boolean RW True False This flag is used by auto AE configuration, if no hostname is available.
Set this flag to false if you explicitly allow the saving of ip address.
This should be only necessary if your network have static ip address and no name service active!
Avoid this option if you use DHCP!
AutoUpdateIP boolean RW True False Controls if configured IP addresses of AE Titles shall be updated automatically on receive of C-MOVE requests with the requester's AE Title as Move Destination. Useful for retrieve to clients with dynamic IP.
MaxCacheSize int RW Maximal number of cached AE configurations.
CacheSize int R 3 Current number of cached AE configurations.
UpdateStudiesBatchSize int RW Defines maximal number of studies fetched from the data base in one transaction by operation updateAETitle for update of RetrieveAETs values in Study, Series and Instance records.
OtherServiceAETitleAttributesToUpdate java.lang.String RW List of AE Title attributes of other services which are updated by operation updateAETitle.
EchoServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do not modify.
Name java.lang.String R AEService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

java.util.Collection listAEs()

Get list of AE Configurations

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.AEDTO getAE()

Get AE Configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
title java.lang.String AE Title

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.AEDTO getAE()

Get AE Configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
title java.lang.String AE Title
host java.lang.String Hostname or ip

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.AEDTO getAE()

Get AE Configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
title java.lang.String AE Title
addr java.net.InetAddress InetAddress

void updateAE()

Update AE configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
pk long Primary key of AE (use -1 for new AE)
aet java.lang.String AE Title
host java.lang.String Hostname or ip
port int Port number
cipher java.lang.String Cipher (seperated with ',')
issuerOfPatientID java.lang.String Default Issuer of Patient ID associated with this AE
issuerOfAccessionNumber java.lang.String Default Issuer of Accession Number associated with this AE
user java.lang.String Default User ID associated with this AE
password java.lang.String Password of Default User ID associated with this AE
fsGroupID java.lang.String File System Group ID associated with this AE
group java.lang.String Group to which this AE belongs
description java.lang.String Free text description of this AE
wadoUrl java.lang.String WADO URL for this AE
stationName java.lang.String Station Name of this AE
institution java.lang.String Name of the institution that this AE is associated with
department java.lang.String Name of the department that this AE is associated with
installed boolean True False Signifies that this device is active on the network.
checkHost boolean True False Enable/disable check if host can be resolved to an IP address

void addAE()

Add AE configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
aet java.lang.String AE Title
host java.lang.String Hostname or ip
port int Port number
cipher java.lang.String Cipher (seperated with ',')
issuerOfPatientID java.lang.String Default Issuer of Patient ID associated with this AE
issuerOfAccessionNumber java.lang.String Default Issuer of Accession Number associated with this AE
user java.lang.String Default User ID associated with this AE
password java.lang.String Password of Default User ID associated with this AE
fsGroupID java.lang.String File System Group ID associated with this AE
group java.lang.String Group to which this AE belongs
description java.lang.String Free text description of this AE
wadoUrl java.lang.String WADO URL for this AE
stationName java.lang.String Station Name of this AE
institution java.lang.String Name of the institution that this AE is associated with
department java.lang.String Name of the department that this AE is associated with
installed boolean True False Signifies that this device is active on the network.
checkHost boolean True False Enable/disable check if host can be resolved to an IP address

void removeAE()

Remove AE Configuration

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
aet java.lang.String AET

void updateAETitle()

Update specified AE Title to new value in AE Configuration and in all service attributes listed by attribute OtherServiceAETitleAttributesToUpdate. If the specified AE Title is associated with file systems, also the Retrieve AE Title of these file systems is updated to the new value as the Retrieve AE Titles associated with Instances, Series and Studies that have files on this file systems.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
prevAET java.lang.String AE Title to update.
newAET java.lang.String new AE Title.

void notifyAETchange()

Sends an AetChanged notification

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
oldTitle java.lang.String The old AE Title.
newTitle java.lang.String The new AE Title.
message java.lang.String An optional message.

void clearCache()

Clear AE Cache

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation