
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Management Bean.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
CurrentClientPoolSize int R 0 MBean Attribute.
Started boolean R True MBean Attribute.
Configuration java.util.Map RW MBean Attribute.
TransportBiDirectional boolean R True MBean Attribute.
Timeout int RW MBean Attribute.
MaxPoolSize int RW MBean Attribute.
NumAcceptThreads int RW MBean Attribute.
ServerBindPort int R 3873 MBean Attribute.
ServerBindAddress java.lang.String R MBean Attribute.
CurrentThreadPoolSize int R 0 MBean Attribute.
ClientConnectPort int RW MBean Attribute.
DataType java.lang.String R serializable MBean Attribute.
Backlog int RW MBean Attribute.
ClientConnectAddress java.lang.String RW MBean Attribute.

List of MBean operations:

void start()

MBean Operation.

void stop()

MBean Operation.

void create()

MBean Operation.

void destroy()

MBean Operation.