
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

XDS-I Service. Cross-enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging. (Imaging Document Source actor)

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
SourceID java.lang.String RW Source ID - unique identifier of this Document Source.
AutoPublishSourceAETitles java.lang.String RW List of Source (Modality) AE titles separated by \(backslash), from which studies shall be automatically published to the configured XDS-I Repository. NONE = do not publish studies received from any source automatically.
DocRepositoryURI java.lang.String RW Document Repository URI.
DocRepositoryAET java.lang.String RW AET of Document Repository (for Audit Log only).
MetadataPropertyFile java.lang.String RW Metadata Property File. A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
DocTitleCodeListFile java.lang.String RW File containing Codes for Document Title (for KOS object and therefore xds metadata 'title'). Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
EventCodeListFile java.lang.String RW File containing Codes for eventCodeList. Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
ClassCodeListFile java.lang.String RW File containing Codes for ClassCode. Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
ContentTypeCodes java.lang.String RW File containing codes for Content Type Codes. Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
HealthCareFacilityTypeCode java.lang.String RW File containing codes for Healthcare Facility Type Codes. Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
ConfidentialityCodes java.lang.String RW Code list for confidentialityCode. Format: [designator^]codevalue^meaning Use either newline or semicolon to seperate codes
AuthorPersonMapping java.lang.String RW Set either a fix authorPerson or a user to authorPerson mapping.
Mapping format: <user>=<authorPerson>
Use either newline or semicolon to seperate mappings.
If '=' is ommited, a fix (global) authorPerson is set
AuthorRoles java.lang.String RW List of author roles (with display name).
Format: <role>^<displayName>
Use either newline or semicolon to seperate codes.
AutoPublishPropertyFile java.lang.String RW Metadata Property File for AutoPublish. A relative path name is resolved relative to dcm4chee_home/server/default/.
AutoPublishDocTitle java.lang.String RW Document title for auto published metainfo KOS.
RidURL java.lang.String RW RID URL to get PDF Document for exportPDF.
LocalDomain java.lang.String RW Local Affinity Domain (Authority)
Name of the patient ID authorithy of this Document Source.
This is normally the 'Issuer of patient ID' (issuer) DICOM attribute.
We can overwrite this default behaviour with:
'<Domain>' : use <Domain> if issuer is missing.
'=<Domain>' : use always <Domain> as local authority.
'NONE' : default behaviour: use always issuer as local authority.
AffinityDomain java.lang.String RW XDS Affinity Domain (Authority)
This name is used in PIX Query Service to get patient id of affinity domain.
You can disable PIX Query by setting this value with '=' as first character.
'=' : use the source patient ID and issuer.
'=?<Domain>' : use patientID from source and <Domain> as issuer.
'=<patient>' : use <patient> for patientID and issuer (patid^^^issuer).
RemoveNamespaceID boolean RW True False Remove Namespace ID subcomponent from assigning authority.
Patient ID's are in HL7 CX format but since revision 7 this is restricted by:
...this specification restricts them to the use of two components, the ID Number, and the Assigning Authority (AA).
No other values/modifications in other components or subcomponents are allowed. Specifically, components 2 and 3 shall be empty as listed above.

see Table 4.1-3 Data Types in IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Volume 3 (ITI TF-3) revision 7.0
LogSOAPMessage boolean RW True False Enable logging of SOAP message.
IndentSOAPLog boolean RW True False Enable/disable indention of logged SOAP message.
LogITI15 boolean RW True False Enable/disable audit logging of ITI-15 export message (XDS audit log).
If enabled an XDS audit message will be sent in addition to the Dicom export audit log message.
Note: ITI-15 logging requires XdsbSourceServiceName!
PixQueryServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
IANScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do not modify.
KeyObjectServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do not modify.
XdsHttpCfgServiceName java.lang.String RW internally. Do not modify. (dcm4chee.xds:service=XdsHttpCfgService)
This service is part of dcm4chee-xds and you have to set proxy and ssl configuration in start script when it is not installed!
UseXDSb boolean RW True False Use XDS.b rather than XDS.a to export documents.
XdsbSourceServiceName java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do not modify (dcm4chee.xds:service=XDSbSourceService).
Name java.lang.String R XDSIService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

boolean nistTest()

Performs a NIST test.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
testID java.lang.String TestID

boolean sendSOAP()

Performs a simple soap test.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
kosIuid java.lang.String SOP Instance UID of Key Object
mdProps java.util.Properties Metadata properties

boolean sendSOAP()

Performs a simple soap test.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
kosIuid java.lang.String SOP Instance UID of Key Object

boolean exportPDF()

Performs a simple soap test.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
iuid java.lang.String SOP Instance UID of PDF RID document
mdProps java.util.Properties Metadata properties

boolean exportPDF()

Performs a simple soap test.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
iuid java.lang.String SOP Instance UID of PDF RID document

boolean sendSOAP()

Send a SOAP message to DocRepositoryURI.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
metadataFilename java.lang.String Filename of metadata file
docNames java.lang.String List of documents (Format:filename|mimiType|docUID[,filename|mimeType|docUID[,..]])

boolean sendSOAP()

Send a SOAP message to DocRepositoryURI.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
kos org.dcm4che.data.Dataset Key Object Selection Dataset to submit.
mdProps java.util.Properties Metadata Properties

boolean createFolder()

Create a new XDS Folder.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
mdProps java.util.Properties Metadata properties

java.lang.String getAuthorPerson()

Get the authorPerson for a user.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
user java.lang.String user

java.util.Properties joinMetadataProperties()

Join Metadata Properties with properties from Metadata Property File.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
props java.util.Properties Additional Metadata properties

java.util.List listAuthorRoles()

get list of roles.

java.util.List listDocTitleCodes()

get list of document titles.

java.util.List listEventCodes()

get list of Event Type Codes.

java.util.List listClassCodes()

get list of Class Codes.

java.util.List listContentTypeCodes()

get list of Content Type Codes.

java.util.List listHealthCareFacilityTypeCodes()

get list of Healthcare Facility Type Codes.

java.util.List listConfidentialityCodes()

get list of Confidentiality Codes.

void clearCodeFileCache()

clear CodeFileCache.

void readPropertyFile()

Read the configured Metadata Property File

java.lang.String getAffinityDomainPatientID()

Obtain Affinity Domain patient ID for given patient information

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
kos org.dcm4che.data.Dataset Dataset containing local patient id and issuer of id

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation