
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

WADO Service
Provides a Web Enabled DICOM Server to allow Web Access for DICOM persistent Objects.
Supported mime-types are application/dicom and image/jpeg.
Supported Optional request parameter: rows, column, frameNumber, transferSyntax and contentType.

particular features:
This implementation use relational query support.
Therefore the request parameter studyUID and seriesUID may be empty. (it is NOT allowed to omit these parameters due to WADO specification)
Redirect: If this WADO service handles a request for an object that is external retrievable, a client- or server side redirect can be initiated (see useClientRedirect).

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
CacheDataRootDirectory java.lang.String RW Root directory of JPEG file cache. A relative path name is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/.
Attention: You have to take care for moving existing JPEG files in the cache to the new location yourself!
CacheNumbersOfStudyBags java.lang.String RW Defines numbers of sub-directories to which study directories are distributed to reduce the number of sub-directories in the root directory. Examples:
'1' - no distribution of study directores - the root directory contains as many sub-directories as different studies in the cache.
'67'- study directories are distributed across 67 sub-directories of the root directory.
'67*71' - study directories are distributed across 67*71 sub-directories, where the root directory contains 67 sub-directories, which each is itself splitted into 71 sub-directories.
Attention: Can only be modified if the cache is empty!
CachJournalRootDirectory java.lang.String RW Root directory for JPEG file cache journal files. A relative path name is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/.
Attention: You have to take care for moving existing journal files to the new location yourself!
CacheJournalFilePathFormat java.lang.String RW Defines Journal File path, with 'yyyy' will be replaced by the current year, 'MM' by the current month, 'dd' by the current date, 'HH' by the current hour and 'mm' by the current minute.
Attention: Can only be modified if the cache is empty!
DisableCache boolean RW True False Disable/enable File caching of generated images.
EnableClearCacheForReceivedSeries boolean RW True False Disable/enable removing cache entries when a series is received. This is only required when modified objects are resent with the same SOP Instance UID (NOT DICOM conform!).
DeleterThresholds java.lang.String RW Defines thresholds dependent on hour of day, for deleting the most infrequently accessed images. Format: HOUR:##MB or HOUR:##GB, multiple thresholds with different (start) hour separated by ';'.
FreeDiskSpaceInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which the available disk space is checked and, if necessary, the cache is cleaned. Format: ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours), ##d (in days). NEVER (= disable cache deletion).
ImageSOPClasses java.lang.String R BreastTomosynthesisImageStorage CTImageStorage ComputedRadiographyImageStorage DigitalIntraoralXRayImageStorageForPresentation DigitalIntraoralXRayImageStorageForProcessing DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForPresentation DigitalMammographyXRayImageStorageForProcessing DigitalXRayImageStorageForPresentation DigitalXRayImageStorageForProcessing EnhancedCTImageStorage EnhancedMRColorImageStorage EnhancedMRImageStorage EnhancedPETImageStorage EnhancedUSVolumeStorage EnhancedXRayAngiographicImageStorage EnhancedXRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage HardcopyColorImageStorage HardcopyGrayscaleImageStorage MRImageStorage MultiframeGrayscaleByteSecondaryCaptureImageStorage MultiframeGrayscaleWordSecondaryCaptureImageStorage MultiframeSingleBitSecondaryCaptureImageStorage MultiframeTrueColorSecondaryCaptureImageStorage NuclearMedicineImageStorage NuclearMedicineImageStorageRetired OphthalmicPhotography16BitImageStorage OphthalmicPhotography8BitImageStorage OphthalmicTomographyImageStorage PositronEmissionTomographyImageStorage RTImageStorage SecondaryCaptureImageStorage UltrasoundImageStorage UltrasoundImageStorageRetired UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorage UltrasoundMultiframeImageStorageRetired VLEndoscopicImageStorage VLImageStorageRetired VLMicroscopicImageStorage VLMultiframeImageStorageRetired VLPhotographicImageStorage VLSlideCoordinatesMicroscopicImageStorage XRay3DAngiographicImageStorage XRay3DCraniofacialImageStorage XRayAngiographicBiPlaneImageStorageRetired XRayAngiographicImageStorage XRayRadiofluoroscopicImageStorage List of image SOP Classes that this WADO service can handled as image. (List is defined as AcceptedImageSOPClasses in StoreScp Service
ImageQuality java.lang.String RW The quality of JPEG images to be returned within the range 1 to 100, 100 being the best quality.
ImageWriterClass java.lang.String RW Class name of used JPEG Encoder, either implementing javax.imageio.ImageWriter (e.g.: com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter, com.sun.media.imageioimpl.plugins.jpeg.CLibJPEGImageWriter) or - if provided by the JRE - com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder.
JpgWriterSupportsByteColormap boolean RW True False JPEG Writer supports 8 bit images with indexed colors.
If false: Force 8-bit RGB conversion to handle windowing, PALETTE COLOR images,.. directly in WADO Service.
JpgWriterSupportsShortColormap boolean RW True False JPEG Writer supports >8 bit images with indexed colors.
If false: Force 8-bit RGB conversion for > 8bit/pixel images to handle windowing, PALETTE COLOR images,.. directly in WADO Service.
useClientRedirect boolean RW True False Enables client side redirection if requested DICOM object is no locally available. If client side redirect is disabled, the server side redirect is enabled!
useRedirectCaching boolean RW True False Enables caching for server side redirect! has no effect if client side redirect is enabled!
UseTransferSyntaxOfFileAsDefault boolean RW True False Set the handling of missing transfersyntax parameter if content type is application/dicom. If enabled, the default transfer syntax is chosen from the file.(NOT WADO conform!) If disabled, the default transfer syntax is explicit VR little endian (as defined in part 18).
SRfixedImageRows java.lang.String RW Set fixed size of referenced images in rendered Structured Reports (by rows). NONE means original image size.
HtmlXslURL java.lang.String RW Filepath or URL to XSLT stylesheet to render DICOM SR to HTML
A relative path name (filepath or File URL) is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/ (Use NONE to disable this transformation).
XHtmlXslURL java.lang.String RW Filepath or URL to XSLT stylesheet to render DICOM SR to XHTML
A relative path name (filepath or File URL) is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/ (Use NONE to disable this transformation).
XmlXslURL java.lang.String RW Filepath or URL to XSLT stylesheet to render DICOM SR to XML
A relative path name (filepath or File URL) is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/ (Use NONE to disable this transformation).
DicomXslURL java.lang.String RW Filepath or URL to XSLT stylesheet to render attributes of DICOM object as HTML
A relative path name (filepath or File URL) is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/ (Use NONE to disable this transformation).
ContentTypeDicomXML java.lang.String RW Response Content type (mime type) of request with application/dicom+xml. Use NONE to disable application/dicom+xml requests.
TextSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs that are used to find Text (SR) documents (separated with semicolon or newline). Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name! Use an empty value to reset this list.
VideoSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of Video SOP Class UIDs for mpeg2 support (separated with semicolon or newline). Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name! Use NONE to disable mpeg2 support.
EncapsulatedSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs where content is encapsulated like EncapsulatedPDFStorage. (separated with semicolon or newline). Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name! Use NONE to disable encapsulated DICOM support.
DisabledAuditLogHosts java.lang.String RW List of host names where audit log is disabled. Use NONE or ALL to enable/disable audit log for all WADO requests.
Note:Using host name(s) will force DNS lookup!
DisableHostLookup boolean RW True False Disable/enable Hostname Lookup (DNS) for Audit Log.
RenderOverlays boolean RW True False Disable/enable rendering of overlays when generating JPEGS.
FetchDestinationAET java.lang.String RW Destination AET for fetching objects if they are not locally available and the external retrieve AET has no WADO support. (You have to define this in AE management by setting WADOUrl 'DICOM_QR_ONLY'!)
UseSeriesLevelFetch boolean RW True False Use SERIES level fetch?
true : Use a SERIES level C-MOVE request. (May fetch instances that are already online!)
false: Use a C-MOVE on INSTANCE level with all instances of the series that are not online and retrievable from the external retrieve AET.
FetchTimeout long RW Fetch timeout in ms. A requested object will be fetched if it is not locally available and the external retrieve AET doesn't support WADO. (You have to define this in AE management by setting WADOUrl to 'DICOM_QR_ONLY'!) In this case the object will be fetched via a C-MOVE request and the WADO request waits until the object is received. If the object get not received within this timeout, the WADO request will fail.
TimerID java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
QueryRetrieveScpName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
MoveScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
StoreScpServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SchedulerServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R WADOService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation

java.lang.String showFreeSpace()

Show free disk space

java.lang.String showMinFreeSpace()

Show current effective deleter threshold according configured DeleterThreshold.

java.lang.String clearCache()

Clear Cache

java.lang.String freeDiskSpace()

Free Disk Space. Delete old files from cache to free disk space.

org.dcm4chex.wado.common.WADOResponseObject getWADOObject()

Get WADO response object

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
reqVO org.dcm4chex.wado.common.WADORequestObject Value object of the request.

void clearTemplateCache()

Clear Template Cache