
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

WADO Prefetch Service.
This service is triggered by SeriesStored notifications and use a stylesheet (wado-prefetch.xsl) to get WADO URLs and optional an exportPath.
Both are based on series level and will be extended with the SOP InstanceUIDs in Referenced Series Sequence (0008,1115)
Output format of wado-prefetch.xsl:
&nbrsp;&nbrsp;<prefetch wadourl="" [exportPath=""] />
wadourl : WADO URL without objectUID parameter. (will be added for every image of the series)
exportPath : Directory path for exported images. '{0}' will be replaced with SOP Instance UID
e.g.: <prefetch wado="http://localhost:8080/wado?requestType=WADO&studyUID=1.2.3&seriesUID=1.2.4"
exportPath="exported/1.2.3/1.2.4/{0}.jpg" />

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
WadoBaseUrl java.lang.String RW Base WADO URL that can be extended in a stylesheet to get the wadourl attribute.
This URL should contain request parameter 'requestType=WADO'
ExportBasePath java.lang.String RW Base directory path where exported images will be stored.
This directory can be used in a stylesheet to build the exportPath attribute. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
CoerceConfigDirectory java.lang.String RW Directory where configuration files defining WADO Prefetch rules are located: if XSL stylesheet wado-prefetch.xsl exists in this directory or in a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of the Storage SCU, images of received Series will be prefetched (and optional exported) according the rules in the stylesheet. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
RetryIntervals java.lang.String RW Number and interval of retries made for failed WADO Prefetch orders.
Comma separated list of numberxinterval pairs or NEVER to disable retry for any destinations.
The interval can be specified in seconds (##s), minutes (##m), hours (##h) or days (##d).
5x1m,10x10m means retry a total of 5 times, one minute apart for each retry; then retry a total of 10 times, 10 minutes
QueueName java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
StoreScpServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TemplatesServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
JMSServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R WadoPrefetchService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation