
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Retrieve Information for Display Service
Provides a RID Information Source Actor with ECG support.
This Information Source is based on this PACs system and therefore only allows access to DICOM documents (Structured Reports, Waveforms (RID-ECG) and encapsulated Documents (PDF,CDA)
The enumerated DICOM objects can be queried via RID retrieve information request and are rendered (and cached) as PDF documents for a RID retrieve document request.
DICOM waveform objects are only visible in cardiology related queries and due to the resolution requirements of ECG RID profile rendered as vector graphic (PDF or xml+svg).

To allow domain specific queries (radiology, cardiology..), the Concept Name Code is used to assign 'document titles' to info request type (e.g requestType=SUMMARY-RADIOLOGY). This can be done in 'ConceptNameCodes'.

You may also define a list of SOP Class UIDs that are aware of Concept Name Code and always visible in a SUMMARY info request. (CuidsForSummaryAll)

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
ECGSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs that are used to find ECG documents (seperated with semicolon or newline). Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name! Use an empty value to reset this list.
SRSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs that are used to find SR (text) documents (separated with semicolon or newline). Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name!
EncapsulatedDocumentSopCuids java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs that are used to find encapsulated documents (PDF, CDA or others(private))
Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name! (seperated with semicolon or newline).
Default: EncapsulatedPDFStorage;EncapsulatedCDAStorage
CuidsForSummaryAll java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UIDs that should be added to a SUMMARY (all) list.
Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name (seperated with semicolon or newline).
Use NONE to disable this feature.
SOPClassUIDGroups java.lang.String RW List of SOP Class UID Groups.(seperated with semicolon or newline)
Format: <cuidGrpID>:<SOPClassUID>
cuidGrpID: configurable (case sensitive) with exception to default groups:
SR - Structured Reports
ECG - ECG Waveforms
DOC - Encapsulated Documents
SOPClassUID:Use either the SOP Class UID or the symbolic name
ConceptNameCodes java.lang.String RW List of Concept Name Codes to assign 'document titles' to domains (requestType).
Format: <Code>:<reqTypes>
reqType :<reqTypeID>[(<cuidGrp>,<cuidGrp>,..)]
cuidGrp: List of SOPClassUID Groups that are used to find document for this ConceptNameCode. (if not specified: all configured SOPClassUIDs in SOPClassUIDGroups)
reqType: Following reqTypeID can be used:
I - SUMMARY-ICU (Intensive Care Report)
P - SUMMARY-RX (Prescription Report)
cuidGrp: Each cuidGrpID defined in SOPClassUIDGroups can be used. Default groups:
SR - Structured Reports
ECG - ECG Waveforms
DOC - Encapsulated Documents
DocTitlePatterns java.lang.String RW List of RegEx patterns to find encapsulated documents by Document Title (0042,0010).
Format: <reqType>:<title>
reqType: Following IDs can be used:
I - SUMMARY-ICU (Intensive Care Report)
P - SUMMARY-RX (Prescription Report)
title: Regular expression for selecting Document Title
WadoURL java.lang.String RW URL to WADO service to get images for reports.
RIDSummaryXsl java.lang.String RW Path and name of XSL file to render RID Summary request.
UseXSLInstruction boolean RW True False Enables XSL processing instruction in xml file.
UseOrigFile boolean RW True False If enabled, A RID request will use the original dicom file to generate a document.
SRfixedImageRows java.lang.String RW Set fixed size of referenced images in rendered Structured Reports (by rows). NONE means original image size.
WaveformCorrection float RW Waveform Correction factor.
CoerceConfigDirectory java.lang.String RW Directory where XSL stylesheet fobsr.xsl to render SR exists.
A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
QueryRetrieveScpName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TemplatesServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R RIDService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation

org.dcm4chex.rid.common.RIDResponseObject getRIDSummary()

Retrieve Information for Display (Summary)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
reqVO org.dcm4chex.rid.common.RIDRequestObject Value object of the request.

org.dcm4chex.rid.common.RIDResponseObject getRIDDocument()

Retrieve Document for Display

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
reqVO org.dcm4chex.rid.common.RIDRequestObject Value object of the request.

javax.activation.DataHandler getDocumentDataHandler()

Get DataHandler for Document

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
objectUID java.lang.String ObjectUID of Document.
contentType java.lang.String Content Type (MIME Type).