
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Modality Worklist Replication Service
Provides a Service to replicate a MWL SCP with DCM4CHEE Modality worklist.
. You can use XSL Templates to change MWL C-FIND Request for MWL SCPs.
Therefore put either mwl-replica-rq.xsl and/or mwl-replica-rsp.xsl in conf/dcm4chee-aet/[AET].

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
Name java.lang.String R MwlReplicaService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form
AcceptTimeout int RW A-Associate accept timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.
DIMSETimeout int RW DIMSE message timeout in ms. 0 = no timeout.
SocketCloseDelay int RW Socket close delay in milliseconds after an A-Release response.
MaximumPDULength int RW Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.
TcpNoDelay boolean RW True False Send packets as quickly as possible (Disable Nagle algorithmn).
SendBufferSize int RW Buffer size used for socket output. 0 = use platform default.
ReceiveBufferSize int RW Buffer size used for socket input. 0 = use platform default.
TLSConfigName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
CalledAET java.lang.String RW The AE title(s) of the Modality Worklist SCP to query for replication.
Multible AET's must be separated by \(backslash). For example, MWL_SCP1\MWL_SCP2.
CallingAET java.lang.String RW Calling AET.
TaskInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which to replicate local Modality Work List with remote MWL SCP.
Format: interval (##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours) or NEVER
TimeBefore java.lang.String RW Time interval to calculate left border of time range.
Format: interval (##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours) or NONE.
NONE means either no (time) left border or, if TimeAfter is also NONE the whole day.
E.g.: TimeBefore = 1h, TimeAfter = 2h, current time is 13:00 -> search for all MWL with start date between 12:00 and 15:00.
TimeBefore = 1h, TimeAfter = NONE, current time is 13:00 -> search for all MWL with start date between 12:00 and 23:59.59.
TimeBefore = NONE, TimeAfter = 2h, current time is 13:00 -> search for all MWL with start date before 15:00.
TimeBefore = NONE, TimeAfter = NONE, current time is 13:00 -> search for all MWL for current date.
TimeAfter java.lang.String RW Time interval to calculate left border of time range.
Format: interval (##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours) or NONE.
NONE means either no (time) right border or, if TimeBefore is also NONE the whole day.
IssuerOfPatient java.lang.String RW Default Issuer Of Patient ID to coerce empty IssuerOfPatient attribute in MWL results. Use NONE to disable coercion.
ForceIssuerCoercion boolean RW True False Force coercion of IssuerOfPatient attribute in MWL results even when result contains IssuerOfPatient.
CoerceConfigDirectory java.lang.String RW Directory where configuration files for attribute coercion are located: if XSL stylesheet "mwl-replica-rq.xsl" or "mwl-replica-rsp.xsl" exists in this directory or in a sub-directory equal to the AE Title of the MWL SCP, attributes of MWL C-FIND Request or Response will be coerced according these stylesheets. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
PatientMatching java.lang.String RW Defines which Patient Attributes in received HL7 ORM messages are considered for selecting existing Patient records in the archive.

Format: 'pid'['?']',issuer'['?'][',' ['['] demograhic-matches [']'] ]
demograhic-matches ::= demograhic-match['|' ...]
demograhic-match ::= [ignore',']demograhic-fields
ignore ::= 'ignore("' regular-expression '")'
demograhic-fields ::= demograhic-field['?'][',' ...]
demograhic-field ::= 'familyname'['(1)'] | 'givenname'['(1)'] | 'middlename'['(1)'] | 'nameprefix'['(1)'] | 'namesuffix'['(1)'] | birthdate | sex

Multiple alternative demograhic-matches can be specified using '|' as delimiter.

Substrings specified by 'ignore("' regular-expression '")' will be ignored for matching patient name components.

A '(1)' suffix of the attribute name specifies that only the first character need to match.

A question mark('?') after a field name specifies that a missing value in received HL7 ORM messages will match with any value for that field in existing Patient Records, as Patient Records with missing values for that field will match with any value for that field in received HL7 ORM messages. Field names without question marks specifies, that HL7 ORM messages without values for such fields will not match any existing Patient Record, and Patient Records without values for such fields will not get selected on receive of any HL7 ORM message.

Surrounding demograhic-match by brackets('[]') defines, that demographic fields shall *not* be considered for the selection of an existing Patient record, if the Patient ID is qualified by an Issuer/Authority in the HL7 ORM message *and* in the matching Patient Record.

Configuration of considertion of demographic fields for the selection of existing Patient records disables the update of such Patient Demographics attributes by HL7 ORM messages! => Only change the default value of pid,issuer?, if you know, what you are doing!

Warning:Improper configuration may cause MWL assignments to wrong patient.

Default: pid,issuer?

DebugMode boolean RW True False Enable DEBUG mode. No MWL query will be performed but the Query Dataset will be logged!
isRunning boolean R False Current state if replication task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
Priority java.lang.String RW Priority for C-Find requests. Enumerated Values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH. Only effective for queries of a remote Modality Worlist SCP which actual interprets the priority attribute in the DICOM C-FIND request.
TemplatesServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SchedulerServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TimerID java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
ErrorCount int R 0 ErrorCount since last reset.
TotalErrorCount int R 0 ErrorCount since service start.

List of MBean operations:

java.util.List replicateMWLEntriesForDate()

Replicate modality worklist entries for given date.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
aet java.lang.String AET of MWL SCP to query. (null means configured calledAET - must be configured in AE Managment!)
Date java.lang.String Date for which MWL items should be replicated. Use yyyy/MM/dd or null for current date.

java.util.List replicateMWLEntriesForDateRange()

Replicate modality worklist entries for given date.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
aet java.lang.String AET of MWL SCP to query. (null means configured calledAET - must be configured in AE Managment!)
StartDate java.lang.String Start Date/Time for which MWL items should be replicated. Use 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm' or null for current date.
EndDate java.lang.String End Date/Time for which MWL items should be replicated. Use 'yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm' or null for current date.

java.util.List replicateMWLEntries()

Replicate modality worklist entries of aet for given queryDS. (MWL C-FIND Request Dataset)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
aet java.lang.String AET of MWL SCP to query. (must be configured in AE Managment!)
queryDS org.dcm4che.data.Dataset Dataset for MWL C-Find.
Use to use a Search Dataset with almost all MWL attributes as return attributes, and matching SPS Start Date for current date.

java.lang.String showErrorHistory()

Show error history.

void resetErrorHistory()

Clear error history.

void start()

The start lifecycle operation.

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation.