
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

DICOM MPPS to HL7 ORM converter. Converts DICOM Modality Performed Procedure Step received by MPPS SCP Service into HL7 ORM message sent to any HL7 receiver by utilizing the HL7 Send Service.
This service can be used with RIS systems that cannot handle MPPS messages.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
MPPSReceivedEnabled boolean RW True False Enable/disable this service for MPPS Received Notifications
ReceivingApplication java.lang.String RW Identifies the Receiving Application in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the ReceivingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Receiving Application encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the matching Forwarding rule(s) of the HL7 Send Service and will usually differ from the value of the ReceivingApplication attribute of this service.
ReceivingFacility java.lang.String RW Identifies the Receiving Facility in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the ReceivingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Receiving Facility encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the matching Forwarding rule(s) of the HL7 Send Service and will usually differ from the value of the ReceivingFacility attribute of this service.
SendingApplication java.lang.String RW Identifies the Sending Application in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the SendingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Sending Application encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the SendingApplication attribute of the HL7 Send Service and may differ from the value of the SendingApplication attribute of this service.
SendingFacility java.lang.String RW Identifies the Sending Facility in HL7 messages that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the SendingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Sending Facility encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the SendingFacility attribute of the HL7 Send Service and may differ from the value of the SendingFacility attribute of this service.
MPPSLinkedEnabled boolean RW True False Enable/disable this service for MPPS Linked Notifications. MPPS Linked Notification is intended to provide ORM message notification after manually linking an MPPS entry in dcm4chee-web with it's corresponding MWL entry.
LinkedReceivingApplication java.lang.String RW Identifies the Receiving Application in HL7 messages for MPPS Linked Notification that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the ReceivingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Receiving Application encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the matching Forwarding rule(s) of the HL7 Send Service and will usually differ from the value of the ReceivingApplication attribute of this service.
LinkedReceivingFacility java.lang.String RW Identifies the Receiving Facility in HL7 messages for MPPS Linked Notification that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the ReceivingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Receiving Facility encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the matching Forwarding rule(s) of the HL7 Send Service and will usually differ from the value of the ReceivingFacility attribute of this service.
LinkedSendingApplication java.lang.String RW Identifies the Sending Application in HL7 messages for MPPS Linked Notification that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the SendingApplication attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Sending Application encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the SendingApplication attribute of the HL7 Send Service and may differ from the value of the SendingApplication attribute of this service.
LinkedSendingFacility java.lang.String RW Identifies the Sending Facility in HL7 messages for MPPS Linked Notification that are directed to the HL7 Send Service. The values in the SendingFacility attribute may be used to configure specific forwarding rules for generated messages by this service in the HL7 Send Service. NOTE: The Sending Facility encoded in the HL7 message finally sent by the HL7 Send Service is defined by the SendingFacility attribute of the HL7 Send Service and may differ from the value of the SendingFacility attribute of this service.
IgnoreUnscheduled boolean RW True False Suppress generation of HL7 ORM messages for received MPPS which does not reference any Scheduled Procedure Step. Otherwise, generates ORM messages with empty Placer/Filler Order Number for received MPPS without Scheduled Procedure Step reference.
IgnoreInProgress boolean RW True False Generates HL7 ORM messages for received MPPS with status COMPLETED or DISCONTINUED, but does not generate HL7 ORM messages for received MPPS with status IN PROGRESS. Otherwise, generates ORM messages also for received MPPS with status IN PROGRESS.
OneORMperSPS boolean RW True False Generates one HL7 ORM message for each referenced Scheduled Procedure Step in the received MPPS. Therefore, if one MPPS references several Scheduled Procedure Steps, several HL7 ORM messages will be generated. Otherwise, only one HL7 ORM message per received MPPS will be generated.
LogXSLT boolean RW True False Activates logging of input (= XML Presentation of DICOM MPPS object) and output (= XML representation of HL7 ORM^O01 message) of XSLT into files (mpps-.xml and mpps-.orm.xml) in log directory.
Stylesheet java.lang.String RW Stylesheet for DICOM MPPS to HL7 ORM^O01 mapping. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
MppsScpServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Hl7SendServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TemplatesServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R MPPS2ORMService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation