
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Media Creation Management SCU. Used to where and how media are created, including the automatic creation of media.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
Name java.lang.String R MCMScuService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form
AcceptTimeout int RW A-Associate accept timeout in milliseconds. 0 = no timeout.
DIMSETimeout int RW DIMSE message timeout in ms. 0 = no timeout.
SocketCloseDelay int RW Socket close delay in milliseconds after an A-Release response.
MaximumPDULength int RW Maximum protocol data unit (PDU) package length for receiving PDUs.
TcpNoDelay boolean RW True False Send packets as quickly as possible (Disable Nagle algorithmn).
SendBufferSize int RW Buffer size used for socket output. 0 = use platform default.
ReceiveBufferSize int RW Buffer size used for socket input. 0 = use platform default.
TLSConfigName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
CallingAETitle java.lang.String RW The calling AE title.
RetrieveAETitle java.lang.String RW The retrieve AE title for the move.
MoveDestinationAETitle java.lang.String RW The move destination AE title.
McmScpAETitle java.lang.String RW The Media Creation Management SCP AE Title.
Concurrency int RW Maximum number of concurrent invoked Media Creation Requests.
FileSetIdPrefix java.lang.String RW Prefix to be added the burn files for the file set ID.
NumberOfCopies int RW Number of copies to create, from 1-99.
MaxMediaUsage java.lang.String RW Maximum media usage for DICOM files. This values is usually smaller than the real media size to keep space for index and optional html files. 1MB = 1000000 Byte, 1GB = 1000MB
MinStudyAge java.lang.String RW The minimum duration before studies are scheduled for offline storage. Increasing the delay for scheduling ensures that all instances of a study are available, and will be stored on a single piece of media.
##h (in hours), ##d (in days), ##w (in weeks)
MaxStudyAge java.lang.String RW The maximum duration before studies are archived on media. Only effective, if media creation is triggered automatically if the BurnMediaInterval attribute is enabled.
##h (in hours), ##d (in days), ##w (in weeks)
ScheduleMediaInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which studies received thatare older than the configured MinStudyAge are associated to media and scheduled for creation.
##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours), ##d (in days)
NEVER = disable media scheduling
isRunningScheduleMedia boolean R False Current state if ScheduleMedia task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
UpdateMediaStatusInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which the Media Creation Server is queried for the status of pending Media Creation Requests.
##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours)
NEVER = disable query of Media Creation Server
isRunningUpdateMediaStatus boolean R False Current state if UpdateMediaStatus task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
BurnMediaInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which creation of media with studies received that are older than configured MaxStudyAge is triggered automatically.
##h (in hours), ##d (in days), ##w (in weeks)
NEVER = no automatic trigger of media creation
isRunningBurnMedia boolean R False Current state if BurnMedia task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
AutomaticMediaCreation boolean RW True False Enables automatic media creation. If automatic media creation is disabled, a notification is sent to the email list defined in the NotifyBurnMediaEmailTo attribute.
NotifyBurnMediaEmailTo java.lang.String RW List of comma-separated email addresses that should be notified when one or more media are ready to burn.
NotifyBurnMediaEmailFrom java.lang.String RW Email address that is used as the from address in the notification email.
Priority java.lang.String RW Priority for move and media creation request. Enumerated Values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH.
IncludeNonDicomObj java.lang.String RW The type of none DICOM information or object that the SCP should include in the media. Use NO if no additional information or objects should be included.
UseInstanceInfo boolean RW True False Specifies whether to extract label information from the instances.
TimerIDCheckForMediaToBurn java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TimerIDCheckForStudiesToSchedule java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TimerIDCheckMediaStatus java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
QueueName java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SendmailServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SchedulerServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
JMSServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation

java.lang.String checkMcmScpAvail()

Check the availability of the Media Creation Managment SCP. Returns OK, MOVE_DEST_UNAVAIL (move destination unavailable) or MCM_SCP_UNAVAIL (Media Creation Management SCP unavailable).

int scheduleMedia()

Initiate creation of media with studies received older than MinStudyAge

java.lang.String updateMediaStatus()

Update media status

int burnMedia()

Initiate creation of media with studies received older than MaxStudyAge.

void deleteMedia()

Delete media.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
mediaPk java.lang.Long Primary key of media

boolean checkMediaInstances()

Check if all instances of medium are available as files.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
mediaPk long Primary key of media

void scheduleMediaCreation()

Schedule Media Creation. Used by WEB application

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
mediaDTO org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.MediaDTO Media DTO