
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

The HL7 Cmd Service Executes a command on receiving HL7 messages.
The cmd is generated via XSLT from HL7 message.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
Stylesheet java.lang.String RW Stylesheet for HL7 to command mapping. A relative path name is resolved relative to archive-install-directory/server/default/.
Use NONE to disable this Service.
e.g. 'conf/dcm4chee-hl7/hl72cmd.xsl'
HL7ServerName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally - do NOT modify.
TemplatesServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R HL7CmdService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation