
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

File System Management Service. Specifies the location of file systems in which DICOM objects received from the Store SCP Server are stored. You can also set up rules to delete the most infrequently accessed studies.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
Name java.lang.String R FileSystemMgt2Service The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form
FileSystemGroupID java.lang.String R ONLINE_STORAGE Identifier of the file system group managed by this service, specified by property group of its MBean name.
DefaultRetrieveAETitle java.lang.String RW Default Retrieve AE Title, which will be associated with new file systems added by operation addRWFileSystem.
DefaultAvailability java.lang.String RW Default Availability, which will be associated with new file systems added by operation addRWFileSystem. Enumerated values: "ONLINE", "NEARLINE","OFFLINE", "UNAVAILABLE".
DefaultUserInformation java.lang.String RW Default User Information, which will be associated with new file systems added by operation addRWFileSystem.
DefaultStorageDirectory java.lang.String RW Default Storage Directory, used on receive of the first object if no Storage File System was explicit configured by operation addRWFileSystem. A relative path name is resolved relative to <archive-install-directory>/server/default/. Use "NONE" to disable auto-configuration to force failure to receive objects, if no Storage File System was explicit configured.
CheckStorageFileSystemStatus boolean RW True False Flag indicating if the RW status of the current storage file system is checked before each file storage of objects received by the Storage SCP.

If the update of the status of the file system is only performed by invoking operations updateFileSystemStatus of this service - in particular, if there are no other running dcm4chee applications on other nodes (dcm4chee cluster), and File System records in the database will NOT be updated by executing SQL statements using some dcm4chee external SQL client application - the check can be deactivated to spare the execution of one additional SQL statement for each stored object.

MakeStorageDirectory boolean RW True False Create storage directory, if no one exists.
MountFailedCheckFile java.lang.String RW If the specified file exists, this signals a failed mount.
MinimumFreeDiskSpace java.lang.String RW Minimum free disk space. If the free available disk space on the current storage file system falls below this value, the next configured file system becomes the current storage system. 1MB = 1000000 bytes, 1GB = 1000MB.
It is also possible to configure a relative value in %.
In this case the MinimumFreeDiskSpace is calculated for current storage file system. Note: This feature is not supported on java environments prior JDK 6! NONE = disable check for minimal free available disk space.
MinimumFreeDiskSpaceBytes long R 50000000 Get minimum free available disk space on the current storage file system in bytes, returned as a long.
-1 means UNKNOWN
FreeDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystem long R 852136824832 Get free available disk space on the current storage file system in bytes.
FreeDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystemString java.lang.String R 852.13684GB Get free available disk space on the current storage file system as string.
UsableDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystem long R 852086824832 Get usable free disk space on the current storage file system, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, by substracting that value from FreeDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystem, in bytes.
UsableDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystemString java.lang.String R 852.0868GB Get usable free disk space on the current storage file system, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, by substracting that value from FreeDiskSpaceOnCurrentStorageFileSystem, as string.
FreeDiskSpace long R 852136824832 Get free available disk space on writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service.
FreeDiskSpaceString java.lang.String R 852.13684GB Get free available disk space on writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service as string.
UsableDiskSpace long R 852086824832 Get usable free disk space on writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, in bytes.
UsableDiskSpaceString java.lang.String R 852.0868GB Get usable free disk space on writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, as string.
CheckFreeDiskSpaceMinimalInterval java.lang.String RW Minimal Interval for checking free available disk space on current storage file system against minimum value specified by MinimumFreeDiskSpace. The current interval (curInterval) is calculated by multiplication of this value (minInterval) with the ratio of the current free available disk space (curFDS) to the configured MinimumFreeDiskSpace (minFDS), but maximal the value specified by CheckFreeDiskSpaceMaximalInterval (maxInterval):

curInterval = min(minInterval * curFDS/minFDS, maxInterval)

Format: ##m (in minutes) | ##s (in seconds).

CheckFreeDiskSpaceMaximalInterval java.lang.String RW Maximal Interval for checking free available disk space on current storage file system against minimum value specified by MinimumFreeDiskSpace. Effective as long the current free available disk space is greater than MinimumFreeDiskSpace multiplied by the ratio of this value and the configured CheckFreeDiskSpaceMinimalInterval. Otherwise the interval will be calculated as described above for attribute CheckFreeDiskSpaceMinimalInterval.

Format: ##m (in minutes) | ##s (in seconds).

CheckFreeDiskSpaceRetryInterval java.lang.String RW Pause check for free available disk space for the specified time interval after no configured file system was found with sufficent (= more than specified by MinimumFreeDiskSpace) available disk space.

Format: ##m (in minutes) | ##s (in seconds).

DeleterThresholds java.lang.String RW Defines thresholds dependent on hour of day, for deleting the most infrequently accessed studies which satisfy the configured set of constraints.

Format: HOUR:##MB or HOUR:##GB or HOUR:##h, multiple thresholds with different (start) hour separated by ';'. NONE = disable deletion of studies on file systems of the file system group managed by this service.

E.g.: 7:1h;19:24h => free space for expected data volume received in 24 hours between 7pm and 7am. Between 7am and 7pm only delete studies if the usable free space falls below the expected data volume received in one hour.

ExpectedDataVolumePerDay java.lang.String RW Expected data volume per day. Used to transform time based deleter thresholds (s. DeleterThresholds) into disk space size to free.
ExpectedDataVolumePerDayBytes long R 3646736128 Get expected data volume per day in bytes, returned as a long.
AdjustExpectedDataVolumePerDay boolean RW True False Update value of attribute ExpectedDataVolumePerDay at midnight, if data volume received during last 24 hours exceeds its current value.
CurrentDeleterThreshold long R 151947338 Get current effective deleter threshold in bytes according configured DeleterThreshold and ExpectedDataVolumePerDay. If UsableDiskSpace falls below this value, most infrequently accessed studies which satisfy the configured set of constraints will be deleted on next invocation of operation scheduleStudiesForDeletion.
DeleteStudyIfNotAccessedFor java.lang.String RW Defines when a study not accessed for the specified time will be deleted from file systems of the file system group managed by this service, if it satisfies the configured set of constraints.

##h (in hours) | ##d (in days) | ##w (in weeks) | NEVER
NEVER = deletion of studies is only triggered by running out of disk space.
52w = any studies that have not been accessed for 52 weeks or more can be deleted if they satisfies the configured set of constraints.

DeleteStudyOnlyIfNotAccessedFor java.lang.String RW Defines minimal time a study must not be accessed before it becomes a candidate for deletion.

##h (in hours) | ##d (in days) | ##w (in weeks)

DeleteStudyOnlyIfStorageNotCommited boolean RW True False Defines if no Storage Commitment request must have been accepted for any instances of a study to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically only activated if no other constraint for study deletion is configured.
DeleteStudyOnlyIfExternalRetrievable boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be retrievable from an external Application Entity to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor.
InstanceAvailabilityOfExternalRetrievable java.lang.String RW Defines assumed Instance Availability of only external retrievable Studies. Enumerated values: ONLINE, NEARLINE, AUTO. AUTO - query Instance Availability from external Retrieve AE.
DeleteStudyOnlyIfCopyOnMedia boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on Media to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor.
DeleteStudyOnlyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup java.lang.String RW Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a file system of the specified different file system group to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor. "NONE" = no such constraint.
DeleteStudyOnlyIfCopyArchived boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a file system of a different file system group with file status: ARCHIVED to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically the file system group of the file system holding the archived copy is specified by DeleteStudyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup.
DeleteStudyOnlyIfCopyOnReadOnlyFileSystem boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a read-only file system of a different file system group to become a candidate for deletion from file systems of the file system group managed by this service triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically the file system group of the read-only file systems is specified by DeleteStudyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup.
ScheduleStudiesForDeletionOnSeriesStored boolean RW True False Defines if operation scheduleStudiesForDeletion is invoked to schedule deletion of most infrequently accessed studies after storage of a new Series by the Storage SCP Service.
ScheduleStudiesForDeletionInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which operation scheduleStudiesForDeletion is invoked to schedule deletion of most infrequently accessed studies which satisfies the configured set of constraints from writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service, if they were not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor or if UsableDiskSpace falls below CurrentDeleterThreshold.

Format: ##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours).
NEVER = do not invoke operation scheduleStudiesForDeletion by timer thread automatically. => If also scheduleStudiesForDeletionOnSeriesStored is not activated, no studies will be deleted automatically from file systems of the file system group managed by this service.

isRunningScheduleStudiesForDeletion boolean R False Current state if ScheduleStudiesForDeletion task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
ScheduleStudiesForDeletionBatchSize int RW Defines maximal number of studies scheduled for deletion in one transaction.
DeleteOrphanedPrivateFilesInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which operation deleteOrphanedPrivateFiles is invoked to delete orphaned private files from writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service. Orphaned private files are the result of deleting instances from the web trash folder.

Format: ##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours).
NEVER = do not invoke operation deleteOrphanedPrivateFiles automatically => never delete orphaned private files from the file system group managed by this service automatically.

isRunningDeleteOrphanedPrivateFiles boolean R False Current state if DeleteOrphanedPrivateFiles task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
DeleteOrphanedPrivateFilesBatchSize int RW Limit the number of orphaned private files that are deleted by one invocation of operation deleteOrphanedPrivateFiles.
UpdateStudiesBatchSize int RW Defines maximal number of studies fetched from the data base in one transaction by operation updateFileSystemAvailability and updateFileSystemRetrieveAETitle for update of Availability and RetrieveAETs values in Study, Series and Instance records.
TimerIDScheduleStudiesForDeletion java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
TimerIDDeleteOrphanedPrivateFiles java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SchedulerServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
DeleteStudyServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
StoreScpServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
FindScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation

java.lang.String listAllFileSystems()

List all configured file systems.

java.lang.String listFileSystems()

List all configured file systems associated with the file system group managed by this service.

[Ljava.io.File; listFileSystemDirectories()

Return Directory Paths for all configured file systems associated with the file system group managed by this service as array of Files.

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO addRWFileSystem()

Add RW file system to the file system group managed by this service. The file system is also linked to existing other file systems of the group.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO removeFileSystem()

Remove empty file system from the file system group managed by this service. Will fail, if there are already/still file records associated with the file system.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO linkFileSystems()

Link or unlink two file systems of the file system group managed by this service.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point file system
next java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point of next file system or "" to unlink the file system from its successor.

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO updateFileSystemStatus()

Update RW status of the specified file system. If the new file system status is "RW+", which defines the file system as current storage file system, the status of the previous storage file system is set to "RW", to ensure that there is only one file system in one file system group with status "RW+".

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point file system
status java.lang.String New file system status. Enumerated values: "RW", "RW+","RO".

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO updateFileSystemAvailability()

Update file system availability of the specified file system.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point file system
availability java.lang.String New file system availability. Enumerated values: "ONLINE", "NEARLINE","OFFLINE", "UNAVAILABLE".
availabilityOfExternalRetrievable java.lang.String Availability of only external retrievable studies. Enumerated values: "ONLINE", "NEARLINE","OFFLINE", "UNAVAILABLE".

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO updateFileSystemRetrieveAETitle()

Update Retrieve AE Title associated to the specified file system.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
dirPath java.lang.String Directory/Mount Point file system
aet java.lang.String New Retrieve AE Title.

org.dcm4chex.archive.ejb.interfaces.FileSystemDTO selectStorageFileSystem()

Select Storage File System

java.io.File selectStorageDirectory()

Select Storage File System and return Directory

boolean switchFileSystem()

Switch to next Storage File System (mounted, available and sufficient disk space).
Return true if Storage File System has been changed.

java.lang.String adjustExpectedDataVolumePerDay()

Update value of attribute ExpectedDataVolumePerDay, if data volume received during last 24 hours exceeds its current value.

int scheduleStudiesForDeletion()

Schedules deletion of most infrequently accessed studies which satisfies the configured set of constraints from writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service, if they were not accessed longer than configured DeleteStudiesNotAccessedFor or if UsableDiskSpace falls below CurrentDeleterThreshold. Returns the number of studies scheduled for deletion.

long scheduleStudyForDeletion()

Schedule deletion of study with specified Study Instance UID from writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service, without consideration of the configured set of constraints. Returns size of study in bytes scheduled for deletion.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
suid java.lang.String Study Instance UID.

int deleteOrphanedPrivateFiles()

Delete orphaned private files from writable file systems of the file system group managed by this service. Orphaned private files are the result of deleting instances from the web trash folder. Returns the number of deleted files.

java.lang.String showDeleterCriteria()

Show current Deleter criteria.

void stopCurrentDeleterThread()

Stop current Deleter Thread. (finish loop even there is still remaining size to delete)