
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

File Move Service Move files from one file system group (RW) to another RW file system group if usable disk space of SourceFileSystemGroup falls below MoveThresholds and configured. accessed studies.

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
SourceFileSystemGroupID java.lang.String RW Source file system group ID or NONE to disable this service.
DestinationFileSystemGroupID java.lang.String RW Destination file system group ID.
One filesystem of the configured group must be RW (selected via selectStorageFileSystem)
Use <file system path>@<file system group> to specify a concrete file system of a FS group. In this case the file system can be also RO.
MinimumFreeDiskSpaceOnSource java.lang.String R N.A. Minimum free disk space on source filesystem group. Used to calculate usable disk space of the file system group. 1MB = 1000000 bytes, 1GB = 1000MB. Configured in corresponding FilesystemGroup service
UsableDiskSpaceOnSource long R -1 Usable free disk space on source file system group, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, in bytes.
UsableDiskSpaceOnSourceString java.lang.String R UNKNOWN Usable free disk space on source file systems group, considering the configured value for MinimumFreeDiskSpace, as string.
UsableDiskSpaceOnDestinationString java.lang.String R N.A. Usable free disk space on destination file systems group.
MoveThresholdsOnSource java.lang.String RW Defines 'disc free' thresholds dependent on hour of day, for moving the most infrequently accessed studies which satisfy the configured set of constraints.

Format: HOUR:##MB or HOUR:##GB or HOUR:##h, multiple thresholds with different (start) hour separated by ';'. NONE = disable move of studies on file systems of the configured source file system group.

E.g.: 7:1h;19:24h => free space for expected data volume received in 24 hours between 7pm and 7am. Between 7am and 7pm only move studies if the usable free space falls below the expected data volume received in one hour.

ExpectedDataVolumePerDayOnSource java.lang.String R N.A. Expected data volume per day on source file system group. Used to transform time based move thresholds (s. MoveThresholds) into disk space size to free.
ExpectedDataVolumePerDayBytesOnSource long R -1 Get expected data volume per day on source filesystem group in bytes, returned as a long.
CurrentMoveThresholdOnSource long R -1 Get current effective move threshold in bytes according configured MoveThreshold and ExpectedDataVolumePerDay. If UsableDiskSpaceOnSource falls below this value, most infrequently accessed studies which satisfy the configured set of constraints will be moved on next invocation of operation scheduleStudiesForMove.
MoveStudyIfNotAccessedFor java.lang.String RW Defines when a study not accessed for the specified time can be moved from file systems of configured source file system group to a file system of destination file system group, if it satisfies the configured set of constraints.

##h (in hours) | ##d (in days) | ##w (in weeks) | NEVER
NEVER = move of studies is only triggered by running out of disk space.
52w = any studies that have not been accessed for 52 weeks or more can be moved if they satisfies the configured set of constraints.

MoveStudyOnlyIfNotAccessedFor java.lang.String RW Defines minimal time a study must not be accessed before it becomes a candidate for move.

##h (in hours) | ##d (in days) | ##w (in weeks)

MoveStudyOnlyIfStorageNotCommited boolean RW True False Defines if no Storage Commitment request must have been accepted for any instances of a study to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically only activated if no other constraint for study move is configured.
MoveStudyOnlyIfExternalRetrievable boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be retrievable from an external Application Entity to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor.
InstanceAvailabilityOfExternalRetrievable java.lang.String RW Defines assumed Instance Availability of only external retrievable Studies. Enumerated values: ONLINE, NEARLINE, AUTO. AUTO - query Instance Availability from external Retrieve AE.
MoveStudyOnlyIfCopyOnMedia boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on Media to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor.
MoveStudyOnlyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup java.lang.String RW Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a file system of the specified different file system group to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor. "NONE" = no such constraint.
MoveStudyOnlyIfCopyArchived boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a file system of a different file system group with file status: ARCHIVED to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically the file system group of the file system holding the archived copy is specified by MoveStudyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup.
MoveStudyOnlyIfCopyOnReadOnlyFileSystem boolean RW True False Defines if all instances of a study must be stored on a read-only file system of a different file system group to become a candidate for move triggered by running out of disk space or being not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor. Typically the file system group of the read-only file systems is specified by MoveStudyIfCopyOnFileSystemOfFileSystemGroup.
ScheduleStudiesForMoveInterval java.lang.String RW Interval in which operation scheduleStudiesForMove is invoked to schedule move of most infrequently accessed studies which satisfies the configured set of constraints from file systems of the source file system group, if they were not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor or if UsableDiskSpaceOnSource falls below CurrentMoveThreshold.

Format: ##s (in seconds), ##m (in minutes), ##h (in hours).
NEVER = do not invoke operation scheduleStudiesForMove by timer thread automatically.

isRunningScheduleStudiesForMove boolean R False Current state if ScheduleStudiesForMove task is running. Used to avoid concurrency!
ScheduleStudiesForMoveBatchSize int RW Defines maximal number of studies scheduled for move in one transaction.
RetryIntervals java.lang.String RW Number and interval of retries made for failed Move Requests.
Comma separated list of numberxinterval pairs.
The interval can be specified in seconds (##s), minutes (##m), hours (##h) or days (##d).
5x1m,10x10m means retry a total of 5 times, one minute apart for each retry; then retry a total of 10 times, 10 minutes apart for each retry.
KeepSrcFiles boolean RW True False Keep source file (copy instead of move).
VerifyCopy boolean RW True False Verify MD5 sum of copied file.
KeepMovedFilesOnError boolean RW True False Keep successfully moved files if one or more files failed. (not supported on tar file systems!). If disabled the whole Move order is roll backed if one file failed!
DestinationFileStatus java.lang.String RW File status of destination files after move.
Use '-' to leave file status unchanged.
BufferSize int RW Size of write byte buffer.
HSMModulServicename java.lang.String RW HSM Module to store tarballs to HSM systems.
Use NONE to store files on local filesystem without additional HSM support.
Only effective if destination is a tar filesystem!
Please ensure with dependencies in deployment descriptor that this service starts after configured HSMModule!
TimerIDScheduleStudiesForMove java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
QueueName java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
FileSystemMgtServiceNamePrefix java.lang.String RW Used internally. Do NOT modify.
JMSServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
SchedulerServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
FindScuServiceName javax.management.ObjectName RW View MBean Used internally. Do NOT modify.
Name java.lang.String R FileMoveService The class name of the MBean
State int R 3 The status of the MBean
StateString java.lang.String R Started The status of the MBean in text form

List of MBean operations:

void create()

Standard MBean lifecycle method

void start()

The start lifecycle operation

void stop()

The stop lifecycle operation

void destroy()

The destroy lifecycle operation

void jbossInternalLifecycle()

The detyped lifecycle operation (for internal use only)

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
method java.lang.String The lifecycle operation

int scheduleStudiesForMove()

Schedules move of most infrequently accessed studies which satisfies the configured set of constraints from writeable file systems of the source file system group, if they were not accessed longer than configured MoveStudiesNotAccessedFor or if UsableDiskSpaceOnSource falls below CurrentMoveThreshold. Returns the number of studies scheduled for move.

long scheduleStudyForMove()

Schedule move of study with specified Study Instance UID without consideration of the configured set of constraints. Returns size of study in bytes scheduled for deletion.

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
suid java.lang.String Study Instance UID.

java.lang.String showMoveCriteria()

Show current Move criteria.